I reached this point about 5 years ago, and I was scary close to throwing in the towel.
I was tired. I was broken. I was hurting. I was lost. I was confused. I was directionless. I was also, the proud and truly blessed wife to a fairytale, soulmate kind of husband (like for real y'all!) & mother of 4 incredibly intelligent, vivacious, kind, loving, strongwilled and firey daughters, and I knew I needed to change something, or I would only hurt them all, tremendously.
I woke up ready to quit, every day. I wanted to stop living, but I wanted to do so in a way that unaffected my husband and my kids....that was impossible, I knew it, but I didn't want to know it. I just wanted to stop living.
Honestly, I was actually far past Frazzled, so instead of finally quitting on life, I decided to set off on a 3.5 year self discovery journey, in hopes of real lasting improvement. The results were so incredibly transformative that I knew I needed to share my process & my methods with YOU!
I want to help YOU start "Living Life in 3D" and it all begins with learning how to effectively "Fill Your Cup First". After a 3.5 year journey of healing, personalized self discovery & triumphant empowerment in myself, I have had such transformative growth. I have taken the madness out of the equation. I have targeted the methods & steps neccessary to embark on this kind of a personal quest. I have eliminated the need to guess, or waste money, or procrastinate a moment longer before beginning your own "Journey to Dazzling". I have the tricks & secrets neccessary for you to skip the speed bumps & speed straight towards success!!! AND I want to guide you through!
The program will last 12 weeks, with me guiding you from your registration consult call, through all of my methods and steps necessary to navigate this journey in the most effective AND efficient way possible, with LOTS of FUN & PLAY in the mix!
Oh & did I mention there will be PRIZES up for grabs too!
I have some great tips & tricks that I've laid out in an interactive downloadable workbook that you recieve as part of your enrollment & I've also developed some tools that are uniquely designed to aid you at a few turns in the road on your Quest.
THIS is the BEST part!
Welcome & What to Expect- We will dig into the
who, what, where & why of Dazzling District!
I will cover what your expectations should be for
your Journey & the "Fill Your Cup First" Program!
This week will be a proper, virtual welcome PARTY!!!
Ancient Healing Theories- We will discuss the
value of healing in the first "Stage of Dazzling"!
I will discuss the ancient theory that SHATTERED
my previous beliefs on my trauma,
helping me glue myself together again.
Learning to Love Yourself- We will begin to
build the foundation that your "Self-Care Practices"
will be built upon! I will explain how Self-Love is
necessary, valuable, and the only true lens
to view your self-care through!
Are You Surviving or Thriving?- We will evaluate
your current "Self-Care Practices" to see how far from
frazzled you truly are! There is NO SHAME in this game!
I will cover the basics and I bet it surprises you what
constitutes BASIC self-care Darling!
Step-up Your Game & Hit the Trifecta- We will target
ways to step up your "Self-Care Practices" to achieve
better results and maximize your time. I will explain
my "Trifecta Theory" and help you begin practicing
the method so that you have the formula too!
Do Something Little Just For YOU- We will seek joy
in the little things and talk about ways to seek intentional
"Joy Injections" for yourself, for those points in this quest,
and life in general, where we struggle to get by.
This week I will inject some PRIZES into the mix!
Get Yourself a Hobby, New or Rediscovered- We will find
fun in the old & the new! Hobbies are valuable "Self-Care
Tools" so this week, I will encourage you to explore
some hobbies to bring FUN into your weeks more often,
with more ease & with excited anticipation!
Get Your A$$ Moving- We will jump into
play in an entirely new way because movement matters!
I will help you explore new ways to move & play every day!
Learn the benefits of "Purposeful Play" because it's
not about weight loss, it's about FREEDOM & FUN!
Dream BIG to Level-Up Your Life- We will dive into
your hopes & dreams, push boundaries you've never dared
to push, to reach heights you've never imagined & discover
your "Divine Purpose" Darling! Once you "Fill Your Cup First"
it will begin to pour over onto the world around you!
A "DP" helps you direct it!
Keep Updating & Reevaluating Your Needs- We will look
towards the future will Intention & Purpose! I will emphasize
the value of continually updating & reevaluating your needs!
Life keeps moving & you keep changing, as will your needs
so I offer some final thoughts & tips moving forward!
Journaling Creates Volumes for BONUS Payoffs- We will prepare
to complete the program by covering any last notes or questions
you may have! I will challenge you to "Create Volumes" for your
benefit in the future and we will "Design A Destiny Plan" for
you to refer to as you continue navigating your quest!
It's Not Goodbye Darling! It's time to unleash this
newly "Activated Dazzling" you've got now, and Pour It
Into the World! I will remind you that I'm always a smartphone
away and I will share some great opportunities to stay connected!
We will be closing it out in full Celebration with MORE PRIZES!
the general Quest Map will be provided by me, but you hold the compass baby, because this journey is YOURS to lead. The direction you head, and the steps that you take on this quest, at every turn, will be as unique as you are!
Having taken my own Quest, I have made the mistakes and taken the missteps on the route already, because of this I am uniquely qualified to shine the light on the path to keep you aware and anticipating the challenges and potential setbacks you may face.
The limited space for this program was designed to allow for an intimate tribe like atmosphere that will offer encouragement & comraderie for each of YOU to continue on your personal quest.
I like to call it the FYC1 Squad and YOU should be a part of this one!
with a FULL cup, living life as the most Authentic & True Dazzling version of You in no time at all! You will be fired up about properly caring for you, balancing your domestic duties with more joy and truly dreaming again! You may even consider your cup to be overflowing too!
12 - 1 hour LIVE coaching sessions
(to take place on Wednesdays @ 11:00 am EST weekly via Zoom)
ALL calls will be recorded in case you can't make it for the live call.
ALL of this VALUE & tools to keep in your Self-Care Toolkit FOREVER for only $777.00 USD
Do NOT procrastinate this offer away!
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