Much like the first two seasons, when this third season released it was anticipated with intense excitement. Though, unlike the first two seasons, season three released in two separate four-episodes parts. I stumbled into Season One shortly after it came out back at the end of 2020 and had no idea what to expect. It was a show I found that I enjoyed immensely, right from the start. I have a weakness for historical dramas, with a preference for those revolving around a genuine love story, any additional royal elements are a welcome bonus. I also had just finished binging through some of the various shows that Shondaland had given to the world by then (Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, How to Get Away with Murder, and Scandal)
and I was waiting/looking for more work from her. Bridgerton, checked all those boxes and so many more I didn't even know needed checking.
By Season Two's release in March of 2022, I was excited and anxiously awaiting the next installment of this big family
period drama and romance (big family dramas are another show type I'm a sucker for). Season Two didn't disappoint either. I enjoyed it, I was left wanting more and knowing I would have a couple years wait for the next season. Pleasantly surprised by a spin-off focusing on Queen Charlotte that was released in May of 2023, I found myself looking even more forward to a new season. Now, I probably don't need to clarify this, but I rewatched all previous episodes prior to each of these additional season releases. By the time the third season was releasing earlier this May (2024) I had watched everything that came before, at least two times through; the earlier seasons, three and four times. I was officially a fangirl, though admittedly having not read any of the books this series is based on.
I have become rather enthralled since watching this third season. The first two seasons properly hooked me, and I thoroughly enjoyed each of those seasons in their own right, and the topics they discussed, and the themes they explored, but season three hooked me, deep into my soul. I became consumed by it, and in desiring to become consumed further by it, I completed a few rewatches on the entire series, including the single season spin off of Queen Charlotte over the remainder of 2024. It has inspired a new content series. I plan to spend some of the time we must wait for season 4 wisely as a fan (S4 is set to release in 2026). In my new content series, I will be sharing topics and themes related to self-discovery, self-love, and self-care, that I recognized while watching the series, as well as simply discussing my uber fandom of Bridgerton. I will include some of the parallels to my story, some parallels to my brand goals, and additionally, just my general girly obsession with the show.
If you haven't yet watched Bridgerton, my new content series will still be beneficial. You don't have to watch the show (available to stream on Netflix) in order to appreciate, benefit, or participate in reading my Bridgerton content series, but I do however encourage you to consider it because it is SO GOOD and you just might be as pleasantly surprised as I was when I watched it. If you decide not to watch it, have no fear, it's a goal of mine to keep my content inspired by my observations and feelings of the show, and how they parallel themes I already discuss, and I ensure you I plan to discuss these themes within the context of my brand pillars, goals, mission, and steps. My plan is not to simply gush about the show, though if you have seen the show, and are a fellow fan, you'll probably understand how hard this is, and you'll likely appreciate my Bridgerton content series a little more.
Over the next few months, I hope to touch on the topics of:
Generational Chain Breaking & Healing
Grief & Growth
Prioritizing Personal Care
Seeking Your Own Path
Owning Your Awesomeness
Intimacy and Self Pleasure
Secure Match Vs. Love Match
The Soulmate Connection
Daring to Dream Big
Standing In the Light
So, basically Shondaland knocked it out of the park and made quite an impression on me.