It's a little wild to me that I am finishing this blog series.
When I decided to do this blog series a year ago, I never knew it would take so long and cause me such personal warfare. Over the first 3 months that I was attempting to write this series I was, however, met with many obstacles in this project. From technical hiccups costing me progress, to personal struggles staying strong, focused, and motivated while writing it, completing it was not as straightforward as I would have liked. After finally laying out my plan for the series in the first blog published 9 months ago, titled Refreshing Your Spirit, I continued pushing through delays and challenges to publish the other blogs in this series. Today, I give you the final installment. It took more weeks and months to get all of these installments written but, I guess, when you are trying to encourage others in their spiritual wellness, you will likely meet delays and challenges.
The final topic is journaling. A topic that I have openly struggled with, having mentioned this in previous blogs, on my social media accounts, and also in my memoir that I'm working towards self-publishing this year. I know the benefits of this spiritual practice, and this is why one of my 2025 goals is to improve my own implementation of it in my life. As for why this is a beneficial spiritual practice, I would say most importantly it's because it is a financially accessible tool for mental health, it helps you clear your head. Writing your thoughts down can be beneficial for mental health reasons, for nostalgic reasons, for physical health reasons, and don't forget, for spiritual reasons too!
Some reasons journaling can benefit you:
and triumphs to recall in faith in future times of need.
Now, journaling does not look the same or mean the same things depending on who you speak too.
Journaling Tactics
Let me dig into each of these journaling tactics a little deeper.
I believe that eclectic journaling could incorporate journaling styles like junk journaling, bullet journaling, or scrapbook journaling. A what feels right to you, ride your vibes style of journaling.
Prompts: Trackers, a little bit of doodling or drawing, notes & quotes, theme pages, &/or events. Esthetic: Playful & Unique
I think that chronological journaling would include a significantly more traditional journaling style like a daily, dated diary. A what can be documented, and loyally consistent vibes style of journaling.
Prompts: Transformations, healing journeys, organization journeys, or progress tracking. Esthetic: Nostalgic & Orderly
I know that thoughtful journaling can combine this journaling style and any other style of your liking to be most effective. A this needs purposefully processed, fully intentional vibes style of journaling.
Prompts: Goal setting, discernment, dreaming, meditation, travel, fitness, &/or gratitude. Esthetic: Intentional & Useful
I'm sure that creative & fun journaling might feel similar to eclectic journaling in essence, but this is more focused than that. A pick one eclectic style and consistently creatively use that as your vibe style of journaling.
Prompts: Junk, bullet, scrapbook, art, photo, short story, or colorful font & quotes. Esthetic: Creativity Driven & Enjoyable.
I imagine that organized & tidy journaling could be satisfying and fulfilling to some, it's not my go-to style though. A clean, structured, formatted and routinely practiced vibes style of journaling.
Prompts: Planners, calendars, categorized notebooks, business, &/or may be chronological. Esthetic: Routine & Structured
I've given you much to consider when it comes to incorporating journaling into your life. There are many styles of journaling, many different reasons to journal, and many different benefits to be gained from incorporating this practice into your life in some way. If this blog has inspired you in any way, to begin any kind of journaling work of your own, then I would love to hear about it!
~ Live Dazzling
Rebecca Jackson
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