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Time Spent in Scripture

Rebecca Jackson • January 4, 2025


Simply put, scripture does not mean the Holy Bible,

it means revered texts of the world's religions.


       Can that be scripture from the bible? Yes. But if the bible isn't your religious text of choice, then substitute the revered texts of your religion. For me, it's the bible. I was saved at a youth retreat when I was 13, and by saved, I mean that I came to know Jesus Christ and learned of his sacrifice to save humanity from its sin, and I asked Him into my heart. I was later baptized in the very same sanctuary that I was saved in, recommitting my faith twenty years later, as a wife and mother of three. For me, it's always been Jesus. I used to struggle with religion, and the hypocrisy that I once believed religion to be hand-cuffed to. Until I was saved. It was then that I began to slowly come to understand the grace of God, and the man named Jesus, who hung on a cross for the sins I would inevitably commit.

       I've been in a relationship with Jesus since that November evening in the mid-nineties. I have not however, always had a relationship with scripture. I received my first bible for Easter from my parents around the second grade, and when I read the scriptures in it, I fell asleep. It was a "Precious Moments" bible though, so occasionally I would be successful paging through it and looking at the pictures. I remember going to Awana on Wednesday nights occasionally when I was in grade-school with a friend and her family. We used to get "Bible Bucks" to use for treats if we memorized bible verses. I remember earning a few "Bible Bucks", but not enough to ever redeem them for a treat. I also, don't remember a single verse I "successfully memorized", so there's that. When I became a mom I intuitively knew, I would need to grow my faith to get through it. So I started trying to do better with scripture.

       I am not a whiz am memorizing scripture, still to this day I only have a handful of mostly memorized bible verses. I did however, learn alternative ways to incorporate scripture into my life in the seasons where I was in the thick of it with littles and couldn't even prop my eyelids open for time in scripture. Eventually life slowed down, a little, my girls got older, and I began having a little more success at a table with my bible and a journal, but those scripture sessions are still mostly few and far between. The following ways are my go-to solutions for sneaking scripture into my life.

Some alternative solutions for scripture:

  • Listening to faith-based music
  • Talk radio/podcasts aligned with your faith
  • A weekly church sermon, virtual or in person
  • Books, fiction or non-fiction by authors of your faith.

Now, ideally you do find time for actual scripture reading from your bible, on hand or in your phone.

       I use a bible app to help me increase my time spent in scripture. I find more success with the bible on my phone screen than I do with a bound copy of the bible, and I've come to a point in my life where I can give myself grace for that choice. Truly, God doesn't care how I connect with His word, just so long as I do connect with it. Plus, my Bible app has some very cool features so I can grow my scripture time, track my progress, bookmark and note thoughts I have while reading, and come back to those notes and bookmarks at a later time with ease and no clutter in my bible pages. It even rewards me for reaching milestones using the various features, and it awards me with digital ribbons! Who doesn't want to earn digital awards?!? Seriously though, it has really changed and improved my scripture practices, and my faith is benefitting from that, in turn benefitting my spirit and my life. I hope I've encouraged you to consider time in scripture and where it fits into your self-care practices. If you are inspired, fill me in on your journey! I'd love to celebrate your faith progress with you!

~ Live Dazzling

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