This next step in our "7 Steps to Finding Your Dazzling"
Blog Series is
Step #3 - Do Something Little Just For You. Now first let me say, this step is really a short & sweet one, but may be the 2nd most important step in our series, the most important step being #7. We'll get there soon enough though, so don't rush the process. As discussed in our previous steps, we don't encourage you to rush through the steps just to check them off the list. We want to make sure that we are effectively implementing each step into our lives and maintaining a natural ease and balance within the current step in the journey we are on, before progressing to the next step. Ok, so let's get back on track with Step #3. When I say I want you to "Do Something Little Just For You" what I mean is, I want you to find something, entirely unnecessary to most, that makes you want to do a little "Happy Dance" then go on with your day, confidently, with a smile firmly planted on your face and a spark of joy in your heart. It doesn't have to be the same thing everyday. It doesn't have to be a big grand gesture to yourself. It doesn't even have to be something tangible.
It can be as simple as actually taking time to pick out some jewelry from your collection to add a little bling to your wardrobe for the day. It can be taking a few moments of quiet time looking out the window sipping coffee or tea. It can be treating yourself to a manicure once every few weeks so that your hands are a dazzling reminder of how fabulous you are every time you look at them. It can even be taking 5 or 10 minutes out of your afternoon to have a silly dance party, by yourself, or with your spouse or your kids. It may even be a reiki session or cleansing your home with sage to give your body or home a healing spiritual boost. It doesn't really matter specifically if you choose one of these things, or something different, it is only important that it be something that genuinely is just a little something extra, just for you, to aid you in Dazzling through your day in the most authentic & true way!
Look into your days, your weeks, and your months and look for little, seemingly insignificant things that make you smile just because, or that give you a warm hug deep down in your soul, or that make you feel a little extra confident as you step into this crazy world. Once you identify some of those things, those places, and those practices in your own life and routines, begin to look for ways to intentionally choose to incorporate them into your life more consistently where and when possible. The goal here is to give yourself little
"Joy Injections"
on a consistent and intentional basis so that when life tries it's best to knock you down, or pull the rug out from underneath you, you have a little secret stash of joy to pull from. This is why we strongly believe this is the 2nd most important step. It is important to say here that you can get a little overzealous in this step really quickly if you aren't careful.
Do not allow these additions or alterations to your "Personalized Self-Care Routine" to add pressure or stress to your self-care practices or your day to day responsibilities. This is very important because, as the saying goes, you can have too much of a good thing and when it begins to complicate your schedule or your budget it can snowball quickly into a stronghold, addiction or serious life complication if you aren't careful. This is why we encourage that you really do look for something little, something inexpensive, and something relatively easy to incorporate with some regular consistency. One of my personal favorite ways to do this is to listen to music, very loudly, while I get chores done during the day when my family is gone at school and work. I get time to myself on a normal weekday, and even though I do use the majority of that time to work on creative & business efforts, I do normally spend at least an hour of that time doing some everyday chores. When I do so, I like to crank the music up & turn on my Amazon Music Playlist. It makes tackling my sink full of dishes or never ending laundry cycle seem a little more bearable and it also usually plants an uplifting earworm into my head to help carry me through the rest of my day.
On my way through these "7 Steps To Finding Your Dazzling", this step was a gamechanger. It caused me to look at my days and figure out ways that I could intentionally seek joy at no expense. So when I did, I tapped back into how important a role music always has played, and still does play in my personal comfort & self-care practices. With this realization through intentional seeking, I learned that when I was really able to begin to incorporate this step into my day to day choices, I was more joy-filled and then in turn, I made intentional choices to incorporate it more consistently and far more easily. I created a
"Joy Circle"
in my life with a little intentional introspection and effort. I have always found music a place that I could make peace with my spirit and process my thoughts more easily and when I let myself get into the rhythm, it usually leads to a little dance party for my body. For me, doing something little for myself can include most anything, as long as I turn on the right song or playlist. Music is truly a great way to hit the
"Personal Care Trifecta"
in any act of Self-Care.
Now that you have Step #3 laid out for you, we strongly encourage you take a little time today to do something just for you, and we recommend your first act of implementing this step should be to introspectively take notes on times, places and seasons in your life when you found it easy to store up joy. Then pull from that note taking session, easy and inexpensive ways to tap into the joy from those seasons. Whether it be an edible treat, a tangible memory or a simple shift in your aesthetic or environment, we encourage you to begin implementing some of these
"Joy Injections"
into your "Personalized Self-Care Routine" as soon as you're ready!