Don't Quit. Keep Updating & Reevaluating Your Needs
Rebecca Jackson • March 1, 2021
Life is a journey, Your needs will change just like the seasons do, so commit to reevaluating your needs regularly to keep your cup full so you can continue Dazzling!
The conclusion of our "7 Steps to Finding Your Dazzling"
blog series focuses on the absolute most important step in our system. This step is most easily summed up as, "To Complete, You Must Repeat". Basically, once you get toStep #7as you work through the system, instead of checking the last box, patting yourself on the back and putting the system to the side with the satisfaction of completion in your efforts and then inevitably letting life overtake your priorities again and drain your spirit, you should celebrate the success and repeat the system again. Our needs are everchanging. Our circumstances are never set in stone. Curveballs come in life when we least anticipate them. Priorities change as we grow and mature. Life seasons alter and evolve with every choice we make. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the best ways to care for ourselves will change just as frequently as life rolls on. It is because of this that our last step,Step #7 - Don't Quit, Keep Updating & Reevaluating Your Needsis a short and sweet step to implement. It is the most important step to truly attaining the goal of Living Life Dazzling & True, it is the shortest blog in this series to read, but it takes the most determination & intentional living to execute and it is never really complete.
Starting High School soon? Learning to navigate life in a dorm on a college campus for the first time on your own? Entering your first professional career avenue fresh out of college? Skipped college all together and are navigating bills and hustling to chase your dreams around a job that pays those bills? Heading into a season filled with wedding plans & Honeymoon talk? Navigating life solo with some friends on the sidelines? Focusing on your career and enjoying/surviving the dating scene? Welcoming a new baby, your first or fifteenth? Buying a house, moving out on your own for the first time, relocating near or far? Surviving a trauma or loss? Starting over after divorce? All of these things, and a list longer than I could begin to type, are reason that you need to remember to start back at Step #1
and naturally, authentically to you, work through these steps again. You are worth so much, and in turn you deserve to prioritize yourself, regularly, consistently, and perpetually. Only when you can embrace, and put into practice these steps, through & through, will you truly ensure that you keep your own proverbial "cup" full, and only with a full cup can we truly face the world with strength, purpose and compassion.Don't Quit. Not on yourself or this process and we know you will discover the most Dazzling & True
version of you that has been buried deep inside all along! We know it's true. Love Yourself! Fill your cup first! You deserve your time & effort. So... REPEAT!