When it comes to the methods & products you use to execute this pivotal piece of your
self-care practices, it will largely depend on your personal needs. As different as we each are, so are our needs, especially in our hygiene & personal care.
5 main areas
that you should focus your moisturizing & hygiene efforts
H20 Consumption
Oral Health
Bathing Rituals
You don't need drawers & shelves filled with products, you just need to cover these
12 core products:
drinking water, face cleanser, toner, moisturizer, a vitamin C serum for youthful perks, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste or tooth powder, a reliable toothbrush, dental floss, soap & lotion that promote moisturizing.
Slim down your shopping list!
There are a zillion companies out there playing on the self-care industry. Overloading our shopping lists with serums, and lotions, and potions, and products that are
designed to make you think you need THEM ALL!
Most of those "solutions" are not designed to target your specific needs!
You don't need to be spending hundreds & thousands of dollars a year on all kinds of solutions for your self-care. That is not a financially sustainable plan. You must eliminate the fluff and allow yourself not only the financial freedom, but also the freedom of time, space & energy spent on inefficient and ineffective practices. Hygiene is an incredibly personal thing, so it NEEDS to be personalized, individually to reflect that. When you are using things because they are trendy instead of because they are an authentic solution for YOU, you are missing ALL of the marks. Genuine care comes when we are vulnerable & authentic with ourselves about where we are and what we need.
Self-care is NOT a trend so you shouldn't approach it that way!
Now Darling, I hope you feel more empowered to do hygiene your way!
Here are 4 Tips to Help You On Your Way!
good you are trying to do before you even begin. Simplify Darling, it helps!
~Stay Dazzling
Rebecca Jackson
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