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Eat Clean & Colorful

Rebecca Jackson • January 19, 2022

Fresh foods pack more of the good stuff & in such colorful ways!

Ok, ok, we've all heard it before, "Eat the Rainbow"!
Except this is no longer an effective way
to encourage healthier eating, because, well...

Carbs can come in ALL the colors, along with dyes AND a whole mess of other colorful additives often found in packaged food!

So, I've changed our home's Healthy Eating Motto to "Eat Clean & Colorful"  instead.

I am by no means saying we MUST eliminate all the carbs from our diets.

I know, I know, they are friggin' tasty still! Am I right?

BUT too many of those things will act like sludge in our system

AND they won't fuel to the most Dazzling potential!

NOW, I want to encourage you to consider this motto in your home too!

I put together 7 of my best tips & practices

DO's & DON'T's to keep in mind when trying to clean up your home's diet & incorporate MORE colorful food into the meal mix with LESS pushback!

  • Let kiddo's be involved in choosing the fruits & veggies, they will be MORE excited and curious to try some new options, this way you have LESS complaining.

  • Stick to the perimeter of the grocery stores, you find MORE fresh products there and LESS of the prepackaged, meant to stay good for months products. If is stays on the shelf that long, imagine how long it stays with your body... EEEEW!

  • Consider putting time & effort into Meal Planning & Freezer Meal Prepping a little MORE frequently, to help lead to LESS food waste. Fresh ingredients don't stay good as long so, rather than letting them spoil, use them for fresh options to stock your freezer with for a future meal with little effort!

  • Take time to make sure you DO put together a grocery list & stick to it, you must be prepared with a plan, so you DON'T impulse buy!

  • You definately DO what to familiarize yourself with your local produce seasons so you DON'T end up paying peak off season pricing for your fruits & veggies.

  • Consider talking with some of your friends who DO already eat clean & colorful to get recipe reccomendations so you DON'T have to wander through the neverending online recipe supply & experiment to start out at first.

The internet can be an overwhelming place when researching for changes.

  • When you DO decide to splurge do it with caution and DON'T do it very often so to ensure the most effective, long lasting results for your body!

In closing let me leave you with a little equation that I like to consider when I am making my own food plan.

5 colors in the meal or snack /at least 3 food groups each meal or snack x 7 small snacks & meals in total = 1 day of food choices

ie. Breakfast Edition:

I eat an egg scramble & fruit for breakfast as a go-to AM solution that works for me.

yellow, white, green egg scramble with swiss, & button mushrooms topped with diced avacado, red & blue a dish of fresh blueberries & strawberries / protien (egg), dairy (swiss), fruits & veggies (spinach, avacado, blueberries & strawberries) x breakfast, snack, snack, late lunch, snack, dinner, snack


A Successful Breakfast to contribute my 1st meal of the day. When the other 6 snacks or meals of the day are approached with clean & fresh ingredients like this it's a WIN!

*This model is based on my personal lifestyle and meal planning approach which is built around my regular physical activity & 5-7 intentional intense workout activties a week. Your exact calorie intake needs & how you break that up into your meals may require alterations to the numbers of snacks & meals in the equation*

I am NOT a certified nutrionist & I have ZERO formal education in nutrition. These are simply my best practices as a lamen trying to navigate the vast, ever-changing food trends presented to us as consumers, while listening to my own body in the process. Be sure to speak to your Physician before making any changes to your diet to ensure you approach it safely for your body & it's specific needs.

~Stay Dazzling

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