Eating cleaner can literally add years to your life and help your body become even stronger than ever before. When we fuel our body properly, it can run like a machine when we need it to. Nutrition & hygiene are both areas of your self-care that are important & equally as easy to overlook or compromise when life gets busy & stressful! To ensure that you are caring for and fueling your body well, I’ve put together 3 P’s to help! Flying by the seat of your pants isn’t really a sustainable way to care for yourself at all, ESPECIALLY not in these areas! When you take time to exercise these 3P’s, the healthy & helpful choices will come more naturally in both your nutrition & hygiene practices:
Preparation, Purpose, & Planning on THE DAILY!
Be prepared with the products & tools on hand, that work best for you! It will make using them the instinctive next step!
Know the purpose that each product and tool plays in your nutrition or hygiene & why they work for you! It’s essential in avoiding wasted time, energy, or money!
Take time to create a plan of attack within your hygiene routines & meal planning! It will ensure you’re doing what needs to be done.
These 3P's work for both, but now we're going to dig DEEPER into applying them to your nutrition. When it comes to cleaning up your nutrition, a detox is a helpful place to start making real change in your Mind & Body, which also benefits your Spirit. Read the blog I wrote last spring using the link below & Join Me in February for my next Detox!
Beyond detoxing, meal planning and prepping ahead are the most valuable tools you can use to navigate eating "Clean & Colorful". To help eliminate the overwhelming feelings that can begin to set in when you decide to start eating healthier, I put together some S.I.M.P.L.E. SECRETS to unlock this particular self-care super-power with more ease and frequency! So take a deep breath, and remember that true transformation takes one intentional step after another. When you take enough small steps, you will begin to see great distance covored on the road to your own DAZZLING transformation! NUTRITION is no exception. So, let's get to my secrets, shall we?
Start with realistic expectations or you WILL quit.
You've never done this before, OR it's been a long time since you last tried, likely with little to no success.
So, THIS time isn't magically going to be a completely different story, especially if you approach it trying
to do all the things at once. Starting with realistic expectations, about what you will and will not be able
to actually execute, will save you stress right out the gate. This means you should sit down to prepare with
realistic expectations
Implement the changes slowly to avoid struggles.
I recommend implementing this in stages, one course at a time. Whether you start with breakfast,
lunch or dinner, rolling out this new prep & planning approach to your meals slowly, one stage at a time,
will help you avoid unecessary challenges along the way. Struggle is inevitable when executing change
but, you don't need to take it all on at once and implementing changes slowly will help ensure that you
avoid struggles
Mornings require extra prep & planning, always.
If you're anything like me, mornings never seem to go smoothly, even when you are proactively trying.
Now, this isn't to say they CAN'T go smoothly, it's just to say that, in my opinion, when we NEED them to
go smoothly, they rarely do. It is because of this that I typically begin with breakfast when I start to clean
my eating up. For many reasons, enough to fill a whole seperate blog, but mainly because if I can make
an improvement there, the rest WILL fall into place, in time. Because mornings require extra prep &
planning, always
Play with new ingredients & cultures, find new flavors.
When you are trying to eat cleaner & more colorful, it's easy to fall into a trap of repeating the same things
over and over until you eat them to the point that you would rather not eat them ever again. By playing
around with new ingredients & cultures in your meal planning it will force you out of your comfort zone, challenging you to try new things and find new go-to meals. Once you begin to play, you will expand your
favorites list increasing the variety in your meal planning with new, delicious ingredients & cultures to
find new flavors
Let yourself slip up from time to time, without guilt.
When you start eating a more clean & colorful diet, you will likely begin to feel guilty on the occassion
that you slip up and consume something "less than perfect" and you need to adjust your thinking,
if this is the case. It's okay to slip up and eat some "junk" from time to time, cheat days or cheat meals
are totally fine, especially when you are just beginning. So to have the best chance of success, it's best
to eliminate the shame from the equation altogether, let yourself slip from time to time,
without guilt
Explore even if it leads to failure, failing is how we learn.
You are embarking on a big undertaking, don't expect to execute it flawlessly right away.
There will be slip ups from time to time. You will forget to pull something out to thaw. You will
buy the wrong ingredient, or make a dish wrong. Some recipes you try will not be delicious and
some will become gems that you can't imagine how you ever survived without them! Remember
failing is how we learn
Now that you are armed with the 3P's & my Six SIMPLE Secrets I hope you feel more empowered to Eat Clean & Colorful!
~ Stay Dazzling
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