With these beliefs of mine laid out up front, it's time to get to the good stuff!
This blog is about really upping your self-care game to full on "PAMPER"ed status!
Depending on your beliefs around self-care in general, you may find it helpful,
you might find it unneccessary & wasteful...
The idea may feel unattainable or far fetched for you at all, let alone right now, and that's fine.
If you are NOT to this place in your "Dazzling Quest" that's ok Darling. I encourage you give it a read & consider putting in on the back burner of possibility for the future, when you are more ready or willing, instead of just chucking it right out of your mind altogether.
You might just suprise yourself.
Once you start to “flex” your “PAMPER muscle”
it will get easier to do and you will get even stronger,
allowing you to pamper yourself even easier!
Pamper & Rest
Both words will likely either be music to your ears or met with a sarcastic & cynical thought. What was your reaction?
Are these easy practices to incorporate into your life,
or do they simply come with more stress?
I know how you feel!
With some practice, I’ve transformed into a Master of Pampering Myself!
Looking back, I struggled, like driver of the local "Struggle Bus" kind of struggled…….
I could not, would not, DID NOT prioritize either of these words into my self-care.
Like AT ALL & it nearly killed me. I don’t want that to become YOU so I put together a little “Cheat Sheet” of sorts to help you PAMPER yourself with more ease Darling,
then the “Rest” will follow!
When you take time to practice these 6 tricks,
the guilt & procrastination will fade.
You will be naturally choosing to pamper yourself & rest:
Push away the guilt:
You deserve to feel spoiled & relaxed!
You carry so many responsibilities. You support so many other people & their needs.
You seek ways to solve problems & help others. It’s time to return the favor to yourself!
Allow yourself the time:
The simple fact that you read this blog won’t eliminate your life’s responsibilities making
this work into your life today, and I don’t expect that to be the case for you. SO, give yourself permission to carve some time into your calendar where it makes sense for you… THIS MONTH
Make a little plan:
Don’t just hope it works out for you. Make a little plan for your pampering so you can execute the plan for your own relaxation benefits Darling! Don’t talk about it, BE about it!
Prepare to succeed:
Be sure you’re successful by preparing the needed components for your pamper sesh...
AHEAD of time! Do you need to schedule an appointment? Are there things that need to be picked up from a store? Does the space you plan to use need a relaxing pick me up? Don’t wait for a monkey wrench to ruin the plan, prepare for the plan!
Execute with no excuse:
Now you need to actually execute in order for any of the other tricks to matter.
Otherwise, they are just wasted time & money. DO NOT let someone else’s need, or an unwanted interruption, or anything short of an emergency cause you to break YOUR plan. You made a date with yourself & it’s rude to cancel a date last minute, especially this date!
Relax & enjoy yourself:
The plan came together Darling!!! YOU did this for yourself, I am proud! NOW just relax & enjoy the fruits of your planning & prep! Don’t forget to thank yourself for your time, & effort, & care!
Now, push away the guilt & get started on your plan!
Shoot for sometime in the next 30 days!
~Stay Dazzling
Rebecca Jackson
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