Reboot Then Reprogram Your "Mind Habits"
I believe that the most essential step of cleaning your mind, is to
"Reboot Your Thinking". Your thoughts have power over you and your life. What we think, will influence what is. It's as simple as that, so if you allow negative
"Mind Habits" to begin to develop, then those habits will have negative repercussions on your life. Remove toxic mental patterns, Reboot your system, then let the Reprogramming begin! We put together this short video to help illustrate our tips to
"Reboot Then Reprogram Your Mind"
by eliminating those negative
"Mind Habits"
and reprogramming your thoughts with more positive habits in their place. In less than one minute you can remind yourself of the negative
"Mind Habits"
that need to find their way to the trash can in your mind and which positive
"Mind Habits"
that you can activate instead. Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages to save this video for daily viewing!
This is a process that we must keep repeating. Just like technology in this day in age, and it's rapid need for Updates, your mind is your own Personal Super Computer and as so you should:
Update & Reboot Regularly
Files that no longer serve you need to be put in the trash
& then it needs emptied immediately.
Lost opportunities
Self pity
Programs that go unused or that no longer benefit you need to
be removed to free up space for new, more efficient programs.
Monetary waste
Reprogramming is something that needs to be done regularly, otherwise,
just like a computer, your mind will start to run bogged down & that will slow YOU down.
Personal care
Regular meals
Openminded thinking
Radiant spiritual growth
Acceptance of self
Mental health
Monetary responsibility
Inspiration lead dreaming
Next is Time To Clean Up Your "Mind Diet"
Just like your body, what you consume will effect you. If you consume unhealthy things, you will become unhealthy. This is why it is important to put together an effective diet for your mind. Things that increase your brains ability to function and that feed your mind. The most common culprits for toxic consumption are to evaluate the listening, viewing, reading and social media interactions that you are partaking in. In addition the company we keep has a way of rubbing off on us and so, evaluating those who we allow to share our social time can also be helpful. Lastly, the activities that we engage in, are they positive & productive activities that challenge us, or do they encourage a lazy existence? Though it may feel uncomfortable to dig deep & critic ourselves, our habits and our own personal choices for comfort, doing so can offer great benefits to your mind and in turn your entire life.
It's okay to admit some "Uncomfortable Truth's" & to encourage you to Be Brave...
Here's one of my "Uncomfortable Truth's"
I spent the better part of the month of March focusing on cleansing my "Mind Habits" & my "Mind Diet" because I was feeling myself begin to "Pitfall". On my personal & family blog The Dazzling Domestic Dreamer I wrote a blog awhile back about what I consider "Pit-falling" and how I seem to find myself in a perpetual cycle of "Pit-climbing" within my own struggle with my personal Mental Health. I feel free to drop over there to read the blog titled "Pit-climbing", to get a better understanding for this term as I will frequently use it. You see, if you haven't explored the website, and you haven't seen anything I have written before this, it's important that you know, I am a Mental Health Warrior and proud to say I have survived 100% of the "Pitfall Moments" in my life so far. This means I am also now excellent at seeing them coming and now that I have an attack plan, when I am diligent for my own best interest, and I don't let myself choose to ignore the warning signs, I can usually apply a little preventative maintenance and catch myself before I hit the bottom.
I have felt pain, agony, shame, fear, loss, guilt, desperation, hopelessness and so much more, and for a very long time, my acute awareness of just how broken I was, had kept me a prisoner in my own brain. From the point that trauma first afflicted my life as a young teenager, I became a broken minded person, healing was something I was never quite capable of achieving, mostly because I hadn't gone about any true efforts to heal. Instead I suppressed, I buried, I ignored, I lied to myself and occasionally others, and I put into my brain the Programs that I believed would serve me best instead, in many cases, ones I strongly believed in, however misguided. Many of these Programs weren't designed to run in my Personal Super Computer but I forced them to anyways. Due to the heavy file load I was allowing to take up space in the file room of my mind, I became very bogged down, slow running, and altogether drag-ass-y.
That was right before I hit my absolute worst "Pitfall Moment" ever, in my life thus far, and the point that I knew it was a matter of life or death that I figured out how to begin healing my mind, my body, & my spirit before it was too late. It was also the very beginning of our Dazzling District Brand Journey, though at the time I had no idea, or even hope for a "Divine Purpose" this awesome! I went through a season of great healing, self-discovery and personal growth that spanned 7 years and culminated in a personal awakening I could have only dreamed of before. So when this March began & I was feeling a "Pitfall" in my very near future, (not nearly to the magnitude of the one that caused my healing journey to begin, but a "Pitfall" all the same, and when not careful, a little stumble can turn it to a full on swan-dive to the bottom), I got vigilant, and I did a little "Update & Reboot" for my mind this month instead of following a more stringent posting schedule like I had originally planned for the second half of this month. Because of this, I am more confident, more motivated, more purpose driven, more focused & more inspired then I was on March 1st, so that is what I like to call "A Dazzling Success"! So March may be over but Spring has just begun and now it's time to continue "Marching Into a Clean Spring"!
we will spend the remaining weeks of spring sharing blogs here
& tips on our social media to help you:
Detox Your Mind & Spirit
Clear the Clutter in Your Home & On the Go
Clean Up Your Diet & Drink Habits
Concentrate on your Career & Cash flow
Focus on your Future
So be sure to Sign up for our Newsletter & Follow our Social Media Accounts
so that you don't miss anything!
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