To begin implementing this step into your life I recommend starting small, but it is important that you do start. Getting your heart pumping from positive, intentional activity has so many health benefits and there are plenty of studies to prove that. Head to Google and do a quick search on the health benefits of physical activity and then take your pick to start reading. I am not a health specialist or any type of trained or educated physician so that is an area of this step I do not feel qualified to discuss the technical side of the benefits. What I do want to talk about instead, are the personal benefits of adding physical activity into your Personalized Self-Care Routine. Those personal benefits include, but are not limited to, a natural increase in energy, a positive boost to your thinking and your confidence, improvement of sleep, even an increase in appetite among many others. If you focus on small steps towards increasing your physical activity, you will feel your body start asking for more, you will find your mind begins to challenge itself just a little further each endeavor, and your spirit will likely feel uplifted as a result of the boost your mind and body will feel. Instant Personal Care Trifecta achieved from just a little bit of physical activity!
Finally, don't feel obligated to get into a 5 day a week, 45 minute work-out regimen when you get to this step. Again I point out you are best served to start small, and the gym doesn't even have to be a part of your physical activity. Dance, take a walk, intentionally park at the back of the parking lot just to take more steps on your way to the door. As you feel your strength grow, challenge yourself a little further. If the gym membership is a tool you choose to add to your Self-Care Toolkit, then don't let the fee become a waste of money, get in there once or twice a week to start, and put the blinders on when you walk in the door. It can be so tempting to watch what other people are doing. It can feel easy to compare ourselves or our weight to that of those around us at the gym, it can also be natural to feel incredibly out of place, especially if you are very inexperienced. I will offer boatloads of tips tailored for the gym in other blogs down the road, but for this one I just want you to focus on walking through the door and challenging yourself. Just be your own competition and try to do a little more that the last time with every visit. Also, reward yourself for taking the scary step into the gym, if you decide the gym is right for you. There are SO MANY ways outside of traditional gyms to find physical activity though. The important thing is that you do find a way to "Get Your A$$ Moving" so you don't freeze up like the Tin Man. Now go get moving, and remember, I am not a trained physician or licensed fitness professional, so seek guidance from your physician before changing or adding any intense or new physical activity into your "Personalized Self-Care Routine" and start small to avoid any pain or damage from starting to intense.....and REMEMBER TO HYDRATE!!!